Kyle Gaw

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As more marketers realize that in order to stay competitive, you need quality video content on your site, more Brafton clients are starting to take advantage of our talented team of in-house videographers. With that being said, we want to take a minute to highlight some of the high-quality pieces of animated video content that our teams have been hard at work producing for our clients over the past few months.

Your imagination is the limit when it comes to creating animated videos. Want to tell your company’s value props via cartoony animals? You got it. Want to make a typically less-than-interesting document come to life? Voila! Consider it done.

The real value with animation is that, in addition to allowing you to spread your creative wings, this style of video ushers your prospects on the buyer journey by breaking down complex ideas into easily digested nuggets of information.

Below are just a few of the latest and greatest works of art that we recently wrapped up:

1. Silver Website Demo: AcuCharge

2. Gold Website Demo: Ergon Energy Bill

3. Gold Motion Graphic: Allegiance Company

4. Gold Motion Graphic: Bitium

5. Platinum Motion Graphic: Insite Software

Pretty impressive stuff, huh? Learn more about our video department’s capabilities and meet the team that put these outstanding pieces together here on our site!