Our Lead Strategist Jeff Baker is either a fortune teller or a great judge of character. Back in April, he predicted Casey Brusch would be “a powerhouse, force to be reckoned with” at Brafton, and he was very right.
Less than a year into her tenure with Brafton, Casey received the title of our third-quarter MVP, based on a variety of success metrics including client satisfaction and strategic prowess.
Casey, a content marketing strategist in our San Francisco office, joined the team with a background in travel marketing. Her strong suit was in client relations – and it’s one that she’s been able to improve upon in her time here.
“I think my strength as a strategist is connecting with my clients and hearing their needs,” she said. “From this, I am able to find opportunities for growth within the strategies and have the trust of my clients that what I’m suggesting is the right way to move forward.”
At Brafton, our team of account managers and content strategists have to be chameleons – able to dive into the analytical portion of measuring data and content strategies – while also maintaining strong client connections and fostering relationships among the team of content creators.
Casey’s proven it’s possible to do this and more in a short amount of time.
“On Casey‘s first day, it felt like she had already been here a year,” Jeff said. “She has been nailing client calls and producing high-quality consultancy from day one. She also personifies our team culture; she busts her butt everyday, but still manages an awesome sense of humor and unique brand of snark that keeps the atmosphere fun.”
Learn more about Casey in our Brafton Q&A:
Q: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a veterinarian or a lawyer…I have a lot of interests.
Q: What do you think is the most important quality needed for success?
I think being organized is a big quality for success, particularly with so much to do for each account. Also, confidence. As we’re dealing with decision makers on a daily basis, we need people with industry expertise and a lot of professional experience to support our strategies and decisions.
Q: What do you value most in a job?
I would say room for growth, both in job position and personal experience. For the latter, I think it is essential to have a job that offers new opportunities for continued learning.
Q: What is your most treasured possession?
What a strange question haha! Most treasured would probably be my photos and cards from family and friends.
Q: Which day of the work week are you the most productive?
Tuesday! Have to make up for any possibility of being tired on Monday, then Wednesday is a bit easier, Thursday is almost Friday, and Friday is almost the weekend 🙂
Q: What’s your favorite aspect of your job?
I’d say it relates to my answer for what I value most in any job, which is the room for growth and continued learning.
Q: What do you consider your greatest achievement?
MVP for Q3, which was a tough quarter for me, feels like a pretty great achievement!
Q: Have any “hidden talents”?
Not really, if I have a talent I’m likely to share it with everyone 😛
Q: If Brafton were a TV show, which character – from any sitcom, drama or reality show (of any time period) – would represent you?
I’ve been told I’m like a character from The Office. Not one in particular, I assume it’s because I’m a little quirky, and, well, I work in an office. My creativity is fleeting…
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