The Brafton Blog

Welcome to The Brafton Blog, where we share insights and updates on all things content marketing. From keeping up with the latest industry trends and best practices to getting a glimpse into life at Brafton, our blog has something for everyone. Our team of marketing experts are here to provide actionable tips and advice to help you drive success for your business.

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SEO Ann Smarty & Samantha Finley

Digital PR and SEO: The Perfect Match for Your Brand

When you realize just how many tactics, techniques and areas of focus are involved in digital marketing, it can be intimidating. What should your brand focus on for maximum results? Luckily, these seemingly disparate parts are all pieces of the same whole and complement each other. Take digital PR and search engine optimization (SEO). One… Read more »

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Content Creation Ashlee Sierra

The Right Way To Create, Use and Improve Automated Content

I’ve been writing for as long as I could hold a pen and telling stories even longer. For me, artificial intelligence (AI) was like the radioactive spider that bit Peter Parker: It gave me the superpower of automated content creation.  The thing about superpowers — at least for me and Spider-Man — is that they’re… Read more »

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SEO Ashlee Sierra

Google Updates Spam Policies To Redefine Helpful Content

On March 5, 2024, Google released two updates, one involving changes to multiple core systems and the other redefining the identification of helpful content. This includes a refreshed look at spam policies — a list that’s already expansive. Google says the core update is more complex than others, tweaking multiple systems — particularly those that… Read more »

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Content Writing Amanda Ciarci

Outlines 101: A Roadmap to More Effective Content

Stop me if this sounds familiar: You’ve been struck by the perfect idea for a new piece of content and started to put your (metaphorical) pen to paper. With a few hours of writing under your belt, you step back to see what you’ve written. As you begin proofing the next great content marketing thinkpiece,… Read more »

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Content Marketing Samantha Finley

Content Marketing for Charities: A Complete Guide for 2024

While charities are committed to supporting people or specific causes, simply relying on noble intentions isn’t enough in today’s digital era. You need strategic storytelling to amplify your mission and ignite change — and that’s where content marketing steps in. At Brafton, we know that teams dedicated to helping others need support themselves. We’re here… Read more »

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